
EURADA. Clusters meet Regions’ event in Charleroi “Driving The Regional Economic Revival in Europe: AGORADA+ discusses innovation 


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ecosystems in life sciences, cleantech & advanced manufacturing for regional development” 

Author: European Cluster Collaboration Platform



For the third consecutive year, AGORADA+, a key EURADA event, will align with the “Clusters Meet Regions” workshop. Co-organised with IGRETEC, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, and the European Commission, this year’s theme is “Innovation in Life Sciences, Cleantech, and Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystems for Regional Development.”

This paper explores the Walloon cluster landscape and its future prospects. Wallonia’s economy features strong public administration and key industrial ecosystems in health, retail, and construction. As a “Strong Innovator” in the 2023 Regional Innovation Scoreboard, the region excels in SME collaboration, public-private partnerships, and robust business R&D.

Wallonia boasts clusters in 10 of the EU’s 14 industrial ecosystems, with Energy-Renewables leading. Its cluster strategy includes two programmes supporting business and competitive clusters (pôles de compétitivité).

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