
EURADA. Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON)



Histórico de noticias de EURADA


Demonstration of innovative solutions for high-capacity, reliable, flexible, and sustainable hydrogen compression technologies

Deadline: 17 April 2024

This open call aims to support the deployment of critical components in the hydrogen value chain, focusing on compression solutions. It seeks to increase confidence in and familiarity with hydrogen technologies by demonstrating innovative compression solutions in real-life applications. The project involves dimensioning, manufacturing, installing, and demonstrating compression solutions at client sites, addressing safety considerations and regulatory challenges. The demonstrations should include 24-month trials in commercial settings, with a focus on reliability, scalability, safety, and sustainability. Proposals should outline a roadmap for large-scale manufacturing in the EU and address technical feasibility, safety measures, regulatory challenges, and sustainability aspects. The maximum Clean Hydrogen JU contribution is €6 million, and activities are expected to achieve TRL 8 by the project's end. At least one partner in the consortium must be a member of either Hydrogen Europe or Hydrogen Europe Research.